In the eye of Tornado
Joined on 3/27/08
so thats how the check from Newgrounds looks like?
Beautiful isn't it?
oooh thats a lot of money are you gonna retire and live in an mansion ? =3
That's actually a great idea! I shall retire then. No more apples for you.
If you spend that on crap you don't need, you'll be $50 poorer.
Oh really?
I notice that a lot of the girls you draw are often Brunette ,Are you partial to the color?
yup, I have a preference for women with slightly dark hair tones. A guy just said something similar in deviantart, I guess i'll have to work on that :9
How u make dat sweet dough
I have no idea what are you talking about :(
Can't help but be rude, how does this compare to what people like Oney and Egoraptor get?
It obviously doesn't, you party pooper.
Could I ask how long it took? I made 20 cents a month after the redesign and now... nothing. Notice any changes in your numbers the past 2 months?
I think it took about a year and a half. I turned the revenue thing on around July of 2010 (I believe).
That sucks, man. I don't pay much attention to my stats so i really can't help you with that.
YEAAHHH!! YOUR RICH time to show off >:D
Nice art, you're good man! wish i could draw smoke and paint fire and expositions
I'm jelly
How've you been?? It's almost a year since your last words here....
if you put that into a CD account for 10 years you'll make about 5 bucks. hell yea
That sounds like the wiser thing to do. I was just going to spend it on some crap I don't need, thank you sir.